Law Office of Xavier Morales
Have the #1 Ranked* Trademark Attorney in the U.S. Work for Your Business
With more than 6,000 trademark applications filed, I have the experience needed to help protect your business name, logo and slogan.
* Ranked #1 by The Trademark Insider, based on applications filed.
Pricing & Process
Step 1
Place your order
Step 2
I produce your Trademark Search Report in 3-5 business days
Step 3
We have a phone consultation to go over the results
Step 4
I submit your trademark filing
Step 5
The USPTO reviews the application. Assuming there are no issues, you’ll receive your Trademark Registration Certificate
Trademark Search & Filing
Protect your business name, logo, or slogan
*Plus government filing fees
Comprehensive Federal, State and Common Law Trademark Search
Phone Consultations with Attorney Xavier Morales
Preparation & Filing of Your Trademark Application
Tracking & Monitoring of Your Trademark Application
Responding to Non-Substantive Office Actions
Mailing Your Trademark Registration Certificate
The Secure Your Trademark Difference
Individual Attention – Not Software
When you see trademark search and registration packages offered for cheap prices – you should know what you’re getting.
When companies offer trademark registration services at less than several hundred dollars, they’re almost assuredly leaving all the checks and submission to fully automated systems.
Your business deserves attention from an actual attorney, not just a piece of software.
With Secure Your Trademark, your registration will be handled personally by me, Xavier Morales, Esq.
How Trademark Registration Works
I’ll walk you through each step, but the process has three main parts…
- Comprehensive federal and state trademark database searches
- Common law database search
- Internet database search
- Search report and opinion prepared personally by Xavier Morales
- Trademark application prepared for you
- Application electronically filed with the U.S. Trademark Office
- Monitoring the status of your trademark application
- Unlimited phone consultations
- Regular searches for confusingly similar trademarks in the USPTO database
- Monitoring of your registration renewal and maintenance dates
- Update reports sent via e-mail on a regular basis
Learn more about our trademark services.
Hear right from my past clients.
“Xavier is great! I have several trademarks now through him. He makes the process easy and is easy to reach out to for tough questions.”
Clint Kirk
Total Joint Extender®
“Xavier is the best guy in the business for value, turnaround and response time. Always delivers accurate results with more than fair search and filing fees.”
John Merritt
iRescue® Wildlife Inc.
Trademark FAQs
These are some of the most common questions I get from business owners thinkings about getting a trademark.
Do I need a trademark or service mark?
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or logo that is used to brand, identify, and distinguish a product. A service mark (or servicemark) is a word, phrase, symbol or logo that is used to brand, identify, and distinguish a service. (More here)
How long does the trademark process take?
As soon as you start using your mark in commerce, you establish what is known as “Common Law Trademark Rights.” But in total, it will take 12 – 18 months for an official trademark registration with the USPTO. (More here)
What can be trademarked?
Many items from logos to slogans and even colors can be trademarked, as long as they are being used to identify or distinguish your brand. Take a look at this list for more specifics.
How much does it cost?
We charge a flat-fee of $1,095 (plus the government filing fee of $350 per class) for our trademark service. Accordingly, the total cost for our Comprehensive Trademark Search & Filing Package would be approximately $1,445 for a trademark in one class. (More in this article)
Still have more questions?
Check out our blog, it’s loaded with resources and answers to common trademark questions.

More Resources
Can you trademark…
Wondering what you can and can’t trademark? I’ve got you covered.
Trademarks 101
All the basic information on trademark registration to get you up to speed.
Trademark Watch
The trademarks (and trademark attempts) of famous individuals and organizations.