Office Action Response

If you’ve already begun the trademark registration process yourself, then you know that the application process is full of pitfalls and legal loopholes. However, few trademark-related experiences are more frustrating than the dreaded Office Action. Office Actions can set you back months in the registration process. Plus, they require even more work (and oftentimes more money) from you.

What is an Office Action?

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) trademark attorney that reviews your trademark application may issue an Office Action for a variety of reasons:

  • The trademark you’re attempting to register is too similar to a trademark that has (1) already been registered or (2) has been applied for in the same period as your mark, often leading to a likelihood of confusion rejection.
  • Your trademark application contains a technical error.
  • It is not possible for your trademark to be registered as a trademark. (Unfortunately, many people still do not understand what can be trademarked.)

When the USPTO examining attorney comes across one of the above issues (or any other issue) with your trademark application, you will be issued an Office Action, which freezes your trademark application until you respond. Types of Office Actions include non-final and final, with non-final office actions typically addressing minor issues or technical issues, while final actions may cite more substantive reasons for rejection. Applicants have six months to respond to an Office Action. Otherwise, the offending trademark application is discarded and the applicant must begin the process all over again.

I’ve been issued an Office Action. What do I do?

Though receiving an Office Action from the USPTO isn’t the end of the world, it’s obviously frustrating. The registration process is brought to a grinding halt, and you now have to respond to the USPTO and comply with the reviewing attorney’s demands before any further action can be taken. If you have received an Office Action, the first thing to do is seek legal help. While you are clearly free to attempt to reconcile the situation independently, our legal offices highly advise against this method. Most applications that are issued Office Actions do not have just one, simple, easy-to-fix problem. Trademark applications that have received Office Actions tend to have multiple and/or complicated issues that should be addressed by a professional trademark attorney. If you do not have a trademark attorney, don’t hesitate to contact the Law Office of Xavier Morales.

What is Specimen Refusal?

When applying for a federal trademark registration, you must ensure that your trademark is an acceptable specimen. This means reviewing the list of acceptable specimens and ensuring that the goods and services being trademarked are categorized in the right classes and that the mark is used in relation to the goods/services listed. You will likely need to provide evidence that the trademark is properly identified as an acceptable specimen of use in relation to the list. Ensuring your specimens meet the USPTO’s stringent requirements is an area where many applicants face challenges. The guidance of an experienced trademark attorney can be invaluable in navigating these complexities, offering options and strategies to address any concerns the USPTO may have with your submission.

How can I ensure that my application doesn’t receive Office Actions?

Of course, the easiest way to ensure that your application is not issued an Office Action is to use a professional trademark registration service the first time. No trademark attorney can guarantee protection against Office Actions. However, your chances of receiving an Office Action are dramatically lessened by using a professional trademark attorney. Our trademark attorneys perform thorough searches of Federal, State, and Common Law databases to ensure that no similar or duplicate trademarks exist for your application. Furthermore, our experienced attorneys, who have filed hundreds of trademarks in the past, are experienced in drafting flawless applications that are rarely denied by the USPTO. In addition to standard trademark search and application services, addressing legal issues such as descriptive mark challenges or likelihood of confusion with comprehensive legal arguments in the initial trademark application process is key. A detailed description, relevant specimen of use, and adherence to filing requirements are crucial components of the entire trademark application that can influence the outcome.

Getting Help with an Office Action Response

Moreover, preparing a well-structured trademark office action response is essential. This involves not just addressing technical issues but also crafting legal arguments against substantive reasons for rejection, within the specified time frame. Post-Registration Office Action might also occur, necessitating ongoing trademark protection efforts to maintain the mark’s validity. This underscores the importance of legal advice not just during the application but throughout the life of the trademark. Meeting the deadline set by the trademark examiners is crucial for applicants aiming to overcome an Office Action. A well-drafted response, often prepared by an experienced trademark attorney, should address all concerns raised by the USPTO. For businesses, especially those without a dedicated trademark lawyer, the option for a consultation with an adept trademark attorney can provide clarity on the process and how to proceed with responses to both Procedural and Substantive Trademark Office Actions. If you’re serious about avoiding Office Actions in the application process, save yourself the headache and money and let the trademark attorneys at the Law Office of Xavier Morales handle your application. Our expertise extends beyond filing to include trademark protection, ensuring your mark remains strong against potential challenges and Office Actions. In this complex landscape of trademark registration, having the support of a professional who understands the nuances of Procedural Trademark Office Actions, Substantive Trademark Office Actions, and the importance of timely and effective trademark office action responses can make all the difference for trademark applicants and their companies.

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About the author
Xavier Morales, Esq.
Xavier Morales, Esq.
Founder, Law Office of Xavier Morales
Mr. Morales founded this trademark law practice in January 2007 with the goal of providing intellectual property expertise to entrepreneurs and businesses around the country. Since then, he has filed more than 6,000 trademarks with the USPTO. You can learn more about Xavier here.

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