Trademarked Phrases: You Cannot Be Serious

John McEnroe, widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis stars, is as well known for his fiery personality as for his extraordinary skill. His 1981 Wimbledon match against Bjorn Borg produced not only one of the most memorable matches in tennis history but also a catchphrase that would forever define his public persona: “You … Read more

Trademarked Slogan: Think Different

Although Apple no longer says, “Think different,” the deliberately ungrammatical slogan is an important part of the company’s history. It created the image of rebelliousness and creativity that still define Apple today. History of Apple Although Apple no longer uses the “Think Different” slogan, the deliberately ungrammatical phrase remains an essential part of the company’s … Read more

Trademarked Colors: Tiffany Blue

Few things are as instantly recognizable as a box from Tiffany. The legendary jewelry company is known as much for its iconic jewelry designs as it is for those robin egg blue boxes with their white ribbons and simple black lettering. Now a global brand with stores in every major city, Tiffany began as a … Read more

Trademarked Slogans: Just Do It

Nike shoes take their name from the Greek goddess of victory. It’s a fitting symbol for one of the world’s biggest sellers of athletic shoes. The Nike “swoosh” is a symbol of athleticism all over the world. That image only grew when the company adopted its timeless slogan, “Just do it,” which has become one … Read more

Trademarked Colors: Cadbury Purple

Cadbury has sold chocolate products for over 200 years. It was one of the first chocolate companies to produce a genuinely creamy chocolate bar. Ever since it has reigned as the number-one-selling chocolate brand in the UK. Today, Cadbury is a billion-dollar corporation whose distinctive purple wrapper chocolates appear in stores around the world. The … Read more

Trademarked Colors: UPS Brown

Few companies are as closely linked to one specific color as United Parcel Service (UPS), which is popularly known as “Big Brown” and whose advertisements once asked, “What can brown do for you?” This iconic connection to the color brown has become synonymous with the company’s identity. The Atlanta-based United Parcel Service of America (commonly … Read more

Why the Apple Watch isn’t called the iWatch

Beginning with the return of Steve Jobs in 1997, Apple began its comeback with the introduction of new products. Some of its most successful Apple products have been in the “i” line, including the iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone, and iTunes. When it introduced the Apple Watch, many consumers wondered why it was not called the … Read more

Trademarked Colors: Target Red

A bullseye and the color red immediately make us think of one retailer — Target. A 2003 survey found that 96% of Americans recognized the bullseye logo and Target Red as the symbols of Target stores. That’s higher recognition than the Apple symbol or the Nike swoosh. Target is the eighth largest retailer in the … Read more

Trademarked Colors: T-Mobile Magenta

The famous magenta trademark “un-carrier” started life as a regional service provider. Over the years, T-Mobile has stood out for its edgy ad campaigns and its brightly colored displays, making the magenta trademark color a crucial part of its branding strategy. How T-Mobile Got Started T-Mobile is a subsidiary of the German wireless giant Deutsche … Read more

How Long Does it Take to Get a Trademark?

As soon as you start using your mark in commerce, you establish what is known as “Common Law Trademark Rights.” But in total, it will take 12 – 18 months for an official trademark registration with the USPTO. As a trademark attorney, I get this question a lot. “How long does it take to get a … Read more

Taylor Swift Trademarks

Taylor Swift is a musician who exploded into national attention when her debut country music album reached the top 5 on the Billboard list in 2006. Since then, she has become a defining figure in the music industry, with a transition from country roots to becoming an iconic pop figure. Her albums are: Aside from … Read more

How to Protect Your Registered Trademark

When you register a trademark, you gain legal protection for your intellectual property. Without a registered trademark, competitors and other evildoers could use your brand name, logo, slogan, and other identifying marks for their own gains. But once you receive your registration from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the law protects you. While … Read more

How to Trademark a Logo

Your logo is more than a piece of design; it is the visual representation of your brand and everything it stands for. It is the flag that your customers rally around, and it serves as the key distinguisher between your business and your competitors.

How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Name?

Probably the most common question that I get from prospective clients is: “How much does it cost to trademark a name?” At the Law Office of Xavier Morales, we offer a Comprehensive Trademark Search & Filing Package which includes both the Trademark Search to make sure there are no conflicts or issues with your name, … Read more

The I Love NY Trademark

It might not be as recognizable as Coca-Cola’s cursive font, Nike’s swoosh, or McDonald’s golden arches, but it comes awfully close. Now in its 43rd year, the iconic I ❤ NY logo continues to stir emotions all over the globe. In both legal and illegal use, it has graced countless T-shirts, caps, key chains, tote … Read more

Should You Trademark Your Blog Name?

In the era of digital branding, I hear a question more and more frequently: “Should you trademark your blog name and logo?” The internet has effectively lowered the bar to entry for many fields, spawning new brands at unprecedented rates. This rise prompts bloggers, big and small, to contemplate the legal protections they need for … Read more