Is Your Business Name Cliché?

Choosing a business name is one of the most important decisions that an entrepreneur can make. The name of a company forms the foundation upon which all other factors are built. A weak name can set up an entire business for failure, regardless of its products or services. Avoid overused clichés and choose a name … Read more

Your Trademark Application is Filed: Now What?

As Tom Petty sang, the waiting is the hardest part. After you put time, effort, and money into filing your trademark application you want to hear something, anything, from the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). But in reality, not hearing anything bodes better for your registration. Once they receive your application, along with … Read more

Is It Trademark Infringement to Target a Competitor’s Name on Google Ads?

To date, the purchase of competitors’ trademarks as keywords that activate sponsored links has spurred more than 100 trademark infringement lawsuits in the U.S. and Europe. In all but a handful of those suits, courts have ruled in favor of the defendant, leaving plaintiff trademark owners largely without recourse. However, for many business owners, the … Read more

When Do I Need a Trademark?

If trademarks aren’t required by law, does your company even need one? The trademarking process consumes both time and money, so many companies might think they can avoid it altogether. In many cases, this is perfectly true. Not every business truly needs a trademark. To decide if you need a trademark you must first understand … Read more

What is a Service Mark?

Clients often call me to register a trademark for their business. However, sometimes they need a “service mark” instead of a trademark. Definition of a service mark Technically speaking, a “service mark” or “servicemark” is a word, phrase, symbol or logo that is used to brand, identify and distinguish a service. This is in contrast … Read more

Amazon Brand Registry Trademark Requirements

After a several weeks-long closure, the Amazon Brand Registry reopened in May 2017 with several changes. The Amazon Brand Registry offers protections to private sellers who have registered trademarks. It offers such protections as predictive automation upon Amazon’s receipt of your report about trademark infringers and gives you added control over the listing of products … Read more