Online Trademark Services Form Desired Trademark InformationTrademark Name*What is the name of the trademark, business name, brand, or logo you want to register?Include logos or graphics (optional):Or, email any documents, logos or graphics to: [email protected]Max. file size: 50 MB.Do you currently use this trademark in your business?* Yes No If you are currently using your mark, when did you first start using your trademark?What are the goods or services provided?Describe the types of goods or services provided under the mark (e.g. t-shirts, computers, website design services).Available ServicesChoose your service [results within 5 business days]:* Complete Trademark Search & Filing - $1,095*Includes all of the following services:> Comprehensive Federal, State and Common Law Trademark Search> Attorney Opinion Letter on Search Results> Phone Consultations with Attorney Xavier Morales> Preparation & Filing of Your Trademark Application> Tracking & Monitoring of Your Trademark Application> Responding to Non-Substantive Office Actions> Mailing Your Trademark Registration Certificate Trademark Options $95/year - Trademark maintenance & support**: Monthly federal searches for updates to maintain trademark. Regular e-mail reports.* Government filing fees for trademark application $350 extra per class of goods/services.** Filing fees after 5 or 10 years extra. Applicant InformationName:* Company:Mailing Address:*City:*State:*Zip Code:*Phone Number:*Email Address:* Payment DetailsCard Number*Cardholder Name*Month*Month010203040506070809101112Expiration DateYear*Year2025202620272028202920302031203220332034Security Code*Terms* I agree to the terms and conditions. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.